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Feb 3, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
My Name Is Annie
Last time my name was Shanti. Then now I am Annie. Not this leng lui annie. He was referrig to this Annie..
The caption for Annie is : I'm Annie, I'm Kind and Love to Cook.
Muahahhaha! So he think I'm as sweet as Annie. In fact she is very soft spoken and very very kind person. I'm totally opposite- I'm loud but I can be very kind ...sometimes. :)
So since I am Annie, then what about the rest of the family members?
Dadi is Dibo. Muahahhaha Explain to you later.
Justin is Ello. Ello is a naughty elephant that likes to ride on his car.
Jasmine (my niece) is Bunny who Loves to scream and is very vain. Thank god he didn't call me Bunny! I hate this bunny, she is very irritating!
And Jayden is Crow is a crow that is very intelligent and knows it all.
So when Big C found out he was Dibo he was abit disappointed. Cos he thought Jayden was talking about his size. In fact,... true la. He is the tallest and biggest among us. But then there's also other reasons. For example..
He likes to sayang us like this..
And also most important of all..
Dibo brings us gift!
P/s to Big C: So dadi, don't be upset when he call u Dibo ok? Lots of reasons behind it. :)
So now sometimes I am Annie. Sometimes I am Mami. Depends la.. what he wanna say. Abit confusing but then what the heck, just enjoy it.He's not going to be a kid forever right..... Maybe when I nyanyuk edi.. i will call myself Annie. Who knows... hehe
Jan 25, 2010

The ancient Greeks Called the Kingfishers "Halcyon" in srilanka we have seven species of kingfishers. They are..
The indian pied kingfishers
The ceylon small blue kingfisher
The blue eaves kingfisher
The three toed kingfisher
The stock-billed kingfisher
The black capped purple kingfisher
or these six are resident and one- the black capped purple kingfisher is a rare migrant.The kingfishers are solitary birds but the Indian pied kingfishers is seen quite regular y in paris. All kingfishers are carnivorous ans as their name implies, live manly on fish.
The method of catching their prey however has not changed much.The birds makes a sudden dive from a tree into the water or the ground.Sometimes it darts into the bush too,to catch its prey.
Their nests are build not only in holes made in the river banks but also in mounds of earth,anthills and sometimes in a hole in a tree....